And so, continuing my break after the monster that was Cobra II, I decided to get the next chapter in the Contract With God Trilogy, A Life Force, and they had it right out near where I went the other day. That is to say, at the East Flatbush Branch.
Branch: East Flatbush
Location: 9612 Church Ave. at. Rockaway Pkwy.
Transport: R train to Atlantic Ave., 4 train to Utica Av., 3 train to Saratoga Av.
Book: A Life Force by Will Eisner
Date: Friday, April 13, 2007
I read the book already. It's totally amazing, I think I liked it even better than A Contract With God. There's not too much to say about these books, just that if you have even a passing interest in either graphic novels or tenements or even New York City history in general, they are must reads. I think they might all be available in one volume too.
As for the library, honestly, it was nothing special. I was kinda having a shitty day, maybe something to do with it being Friday the 13th, who knows. The neighborhood sucked, a bitchy woman cut ahead of me when I was waiting to check out and then didn't care when I called her on it, whatever. Then on the 4 train into Manhattan I had to listen to a bunch of asshole teenagers yell over me about how "the village is the place with all the homos" and that they would never get off the train there, and that anyone who did was gay. I can never tell if that stuff sickens everone else in the train car the way it does me. Fuck it.
The one nice thing was that on the way there, I got to Atlantic Av. just in time to see a 3 train pull out. I hightailed it over to the 4 track and this time, when I got to Utica Av., the 3 was right behind us. Basically the opposite of what happened on Thursday.
Well that's it for that one as far as I'm concerned. With all the talk about this storm today I thought we were gonna float away, but that didn't happen. It's a relief I suppose. Now to the photo evidence.

The full picture...

and then there's the entrance...

and you know, it's always nice to have an angled shot. Greenhouse windows!
I like watching rain slide down those kind of windows, its like a hypnotic pathetic waterfall...
It hardly looks like a library. At least there are windows.
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