Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ryder #80, 3/7/07

Mike here. Well folks, it seems that I have fallen into the bad habit of waiting multiple days after visiting libraries to write about them. This is clearly unacceptable, and I will work hard to have it rectified in the near future.

With that unpleasantness behind us, we can move on. For some reason, I decided to read a certain Ray Bradbury book. It was a snowy day, the temperature low and the wind speed high. You may remember it as...Wednesday.

Through the driving winds, I strove to find a safe harbor. Once on the F train, I seemed to be on my way to ye olde Ryder Branch (est. 1970). But alack! The F train continued on past my stop, one, two more stops to the Highway of Kings!

So, then I took the train back two stops. It was annoying, but at least I had finally arrived!

Branch: Ryder
Location: 5902 23rd Ave. (bet. 23rd Ave. at 59th St.)
Transport: F train to Ave. N
Books: Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury; Travels in the Scriptorium by Paul Auster
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I didn't spend much time here, it was early in the day and I had many things to accomplish. It's a nice building, one of the newer branches, in a very similar neighborhood to the last view I've visited, but I'm sure I'll break out of it soon. Dandelion Wine is a sort of fantasy version of Ray Bradbury's childhood, or so I understand, and I'm excited to get into it. The other book is Paul Auster's newest novel, which I know next to nothing about, but I figured I could give it to Dave so he had something to read while in Chicago, and then read it myself when he gets back.

One interesting development: I talked to the librarians there, and they said to get a job, I should talk to the human resources department at the Central branch on Grand Army Plaza. So I'll get on that soon with any luck. With a job it might be harder to update as often, but...wait, I've only been doing this like once a week anyway. Well, whatever! PICTURES!!!

Crazy M.C. Escher view!

The side...

Another side.

And finally, a really large cemetery (Washington Cemetery) that I could see from the subway platform. Sweetness.

I guess that was the last snow of the Winter, so Spring should be here any minute now. EVERYONE BEWARE! DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME TOMORROW!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Casey Boyd said...

you should take your pants off!