The other book I read, Skim, was a graphic novel about a girl's experience in high school and dealing with death and relationships and annoying peers etc. It was really good, the art was very evocative, giving an excellent sense of time and place, and probably the part of the work that I enjoyed most. The story was quite good too, and really resonated with me when it reminded me of similar experiences and relationships I'd had in high school. Definitely worth the time. Plus, it made me think of fall, which I'm quite excited for.
So, last week, still high off going to my first (Brooklyn) library in months, I went to another one...the Bedford Branch.
Branch: Bedford
Location: 496 Franklin Avenue
Transport: bike!
Item: Sentimental, Heartbroken Rednecks: Stories from the New South by Greg Bottoms
Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008
So it's gotten to the point where I need to just pick a library I haven't been to on the map and go there, selection be damned. This one, despite its name bringing up images of hipsterburg, is up in Prospect Heights, where I've been a lot lately for some reason. It's a nice neighborhood, pleasant and green but not too crowded or loud. Despite the fact that I'm no longer going with specific items in mind, I'm happy to say that I basically always end up with something I'm pleased with, this time being no exception. I'm a sucker for any and all art from the American South; I picked this up thinking it was a short story anthology, but it's all by this one guy. So far it's really good.
The library was nice, a typical Carnegie building design, but unlike in many others the upstairs/balcony portion is open to the public. There was a nice magazine reading/relaxing area up there. I think there was a sleeping guy up there, but its been a week, so I can't be too sure. No water fountain. There was some outdoor seating around back and a nice grassy area. And a big tree out front. So, good atmosphere all around. And as a bonus, I took a route home that went through the park, so i got to sit there for a while and read my new comic purchase (Abandoned Cars by Tim Lane, it's really excellent).
Oh I almost forgot, I also went to this great free concert at Lincoln Center last Wednesday (Aug. 20th) that WFMU put on. It was mostly African music that I was completely unfamiliar with, an it was all amazing. The Ex (great Dutch punk band) played with Gétatchèw Mèkurya, an awesome Ethiopian saxophonist. The Either/Orchestra, a big band orchestra from Boston, played with Mahmoud Ahmed and Alèmayèhu Eshèté, who are both superstars in the African community who have been around for decades - the crowd went nuts for them, and with good reason, they were great. Extra Golden is a D.C. based band that mixes traditional/indie rock type stuff with African music. So yeah, a totally amazing show, and I'd recommend all of the performers to anyone (though i think Mahmoud Ahmed was my favorite.) Now, for pictures...of the library, not the concert. Though I have those too.

Kid stuff kids.

Wonder at the awesome majesty!

Neighborhood resident chatting with one of New York's finest. Seriously, though, he didn't harass me for taking the picture, so that's good.
That's all for now, but this book is coming along nicely and I should be done soon. Oh yeah, don't forget to watch Obama's speech tonight. Woo! Elections! Democracy! Yeah!