Branch: Highlawn
Location: 1664 W. 13th St. at Kings Highway
Transport: bicycle
Books: Finder: Sin-Eater, vol. 2, Finder, King of the Cats (Vol.3), and Talisman (Finder) by Carla Speed McNeil
Date: Tuesday, September 4, 2007
This was a really nice bike ride. I took McDonald Ave. to Bay Parkway on the way there, ending up under the elevated F tracks for a bit of the way, and then Bay Ridge Parkway to New Utrecht Ave. on the way back, which is under the elevated D line. Yeah! Dodging steel beams and double parked trucks rules. Anyway, the library itself was really nice. It had a completely different setup from any I'd seen, with the building design basically being a circle overlapping with a rectangle (see pictures). The inside had a very new feel, and was well laid out and pleasant. There were many people siting around reading and relaxing, but it was a bit odd that all the children were gone. This was the first library visit I'd done since school started, and it was nice to have it be quiet, but I think I prefer the craziness and life that kids bring to the atmosphere.
I knew I wanted the next volume of the Finder series, but they had the next three so I grabbed 'em all. I wandered around for a good while looking for a novel or non-fiction title that I might be interested in, but eventually just stuck with the comics. I have since read all three volumes and ave to recommend them to anyone with a passing (or greater) interest in comics. The stories definitely have a fantasy bent, but if you can deal with that, you'll see one of the more interesting alternate worlds I've ever read about.
This was the first branch I've been to that had self check-out, which is almost exactly the same as self check-out at the supermarket. Insert your library card, scan the books, tell it you're done, receipt, bam. There's also one employee monitoring four terminals. It's kinda funny, but they had this at the St. Paul Public Library over a year ago (longer, for all I know) and I've been wondering when I would start seeing it here. I'm sure other branches have it as well and I just haven't seen it, but now I've got a confirmed sighting.
I've finally gotten all my errant library books back (long story) so I'll have to be at another library to return them either today or Monday. Won't be long till there's another update, I hope you're here! Now for pictures.

The circle is the big part. The rectangle is the small part.

A closer view. Am I somewhere in this picture? Am I a vampire? You decide.

This guy wanted to know where some cafe was. I was all like, I don't know.


and angled. That's it for me, I'll be back, maybe even later today. That's right, this is what I do with my Saturdays. Seeya!
It is my estimation that these are some of the best photo captions to date, my favorite being the first one.
Also, I vote vampire. I looked real close too.
I also vote vampire!
If only we could vote vampire in '08!
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