The Face of Battle was excellent, it took me a little while to read, but it was well worth it. While I thought it would be a little more about the experience of the individual in battle, it turned out to be more of a detailed breakdown of what battle was really like for various groups; i.e., archers v. cavalry at Agincourt, or infantry v. machine gunners at the Somme. Keegan discusses three battles in detail (Agincourt, Waterloo, and the Somme) and his findings are fascinating. He also discusses the future of battle a bit, and since the book came out before Vietnam was even over, his predictions are a bit outdated. He seems to believe that battle will, someday soon, make itself obsolete - while this might be true to an extent, we now have wars that are fought from bomb to bomb rather than battle to battle. But oh well.
So as I said, there was this useful looking thylacine book that I thought I'd pick up, and other than the Central Branch, only one had it: the Kings Bay Branch.
Branch: Kings Bay
Location: 3650 Nostrand Ave. (near Ave. W)
Transport: bicycle
Books: Tasmanian Tiger: The Tragic Tale of How the World Lost Its Most Mysterious Predator by David Owen; Haircut and Other Stories by Ring Lardner
Date: Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The bike ride there was really nice. Kings Bay is out in the southeast corner of Brooklyn, by the water, so I rode down Ocean Parkway almost all the way to Coney Island and then took Avenue W over to Nostrand. Avenue W had a bunch of those really nice row houses that make me think of the beach (and that many of the neighborhoods near beaches in Brooklyn are made up of.) It was really humid yesterday, but not unbearably hot, and by the time I got to the library, I could smell the salt in the air.
The branch itself was wonderful. It has a setup like I'd never seen; a split level, where the fiction, new books, large print, foreign language books, CDs and DVDs are on the main level, and then to the right one can either go up, to the children's department (where a sign declared that no teens 13 or older were allowed), or down, to the where the young adult and non-fiction books are kept (and here a sign proclaimed that there is to be no PSP use on the premises. No word on the Nintendo DS). It was packed with people and had a really nice feel to it. I found the thylacine book in no time, but then there was a problem; what to get for myself? After a long search, I noticed a short story book by Ring Lardner, an author who I was familiar with only through the comic strip adaptation of his famous work, You Know Me Al (which my father showed me years and years ago), about a naive baseball player in the early 20th century who gets picked up by the big leagues. In fact, I had no idea until yesterday that it was ever anything other than a comic strip, but there apparently a new edition of it came out recently.
Anyway, I picked up Haircut, saw the enthusiastic H.L. Mencken quote on the front, read the first few sentences, loved it, and grabbed it. After recently reading the entire Smithsonian Collection of Newspaper Comics, most of which is taken from early 20th century comics, and then being completely fascinated by Keegan's depiction of the Somme in The Face of Battle (Americans are always so eager to talk about World War II that we forget about World War I entirely), I think it's safe to say I am officially fascinated with the early half of the 20th century. Just so you all know.


Yep...there it is...right in there.

I don't remember it being so red...I must have been half-dead from dehydration.

Projects across the street.
That's all for now, going to Chicago tomorrow for that pitchfork thing, but my current book is pretty short so I should be back early next week. Have a good weekend everyone! Don't burn alive!
Pass along "Carnivorous Nights" by Margaret Mittlebach and Michael Crewdson to Liz. (Hi, Liz) It's about their research on the Tasmanian Tiger. Fun read.
You really need to drink more water when you're riding around!
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