Oh right, well I finished the fairy tale comic, it was really good but incomplete. The second volume is coming out in serial form right now, but I'll probably wait for the next collection. The feminist leanings did get more pronounced as the story went on, but they didn't get in the way of the excellent story (or art).
So I knew I needed a book for my two-day jaunt to Minnesota, but I picked one I bought a month or two ago: the already excellent The Architecture of the Arkansas Ozarks by Donald Harington. It's so great, in fact, that I decided to hit the amazon lists for books like it. Finding little, I turned to another author I enjoyed a great deal recently, Lucius Shepard. He led me to the sci fi/fantasy realm, so I figured why not, it's been a while. And I found a book that was only at one library, and that was the Williamsburgh Branch.
Branch: Williamsburgh
Location: 240 Division Ave. at Marcy Ave.
Transport: bicycle
Book: Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2007
This branch was the first Carnegie branch, so I figured it would be exactly like all the others (Park Slope, Carroll Gardens, etc.) I was totally wrong. The design is similar, but it's so much bigger! The wings in particular extend out further than in the others that I've been to. It really is a beautiful branch with an excellent selection. I recommend it highly!
When I first got there it was a bit before 1 (the opening time) and there were people waiting. And then more came. And more. By the time it opened (5 minutes late by my watch) there were at least 20 people waiting. By the time I got inside, there wasn't a single free computer. Luckily, I was there for a book. The patrons were a mix of kids, older people, and women with strollers.
I don't really have much more to say so I'll let the pictures say the rest. If you live around here and like awesome comics (who doesn't!), you should go to the MOCCA festival this weekend. Fun actually guaranteed. I'll be there on Sunday, but it's both days. Of the weekend. It's Saturday and Sunday. Both days.

left side

right side.

The ever popular angled shot.

Awe inspiring, no?

Here's all the people, anxiously awaiting their books and internet.

The library is actually built right over the highway (though I'd imagine the library was there first.)

It isn't in the hipster part of Williamsburg, but right near the Williamsburg Bridge, and the JMZ train lines.

Cop hassling some guy.
And that's all. I'll be away for a couple days, so I wont be back till next week. But I'm totally back to a regular schedule now! See! Keep reading please!
Can we just officially replace Carnegie with Scrooge McDuck in the record ledgers.
You're a Scrooge McDuck.
We open when the computers tell us to open and they may be at a different time from your watch. Thanks for the compliments on the branch.
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